Sunday, June 28, 2009

VBS Pictures

Last night was a Family Worship Service at my parents' church...the finale for their VBS. The program this week was called "Boomerang Express" and Isaac loved, loved, loved the whole train deal.

Noah, Jason and Isaac's version of "sitting in church". This was during the last worship song...just following their wrestling match on the pew. Thank God for a Children's Ministry that runs during our Church Services. I'm just sayin'.
Noah with his "Aunt Woobie" sister Lori.

Doug was able to come last night. We realized that it was the first time that we've sat together in church in over four years.


  1. oh how funny... they're like puppies in that 2nd picture!

  2. had to come back to see and comment on Lori's glasses... yeah baby! It's been over 2 years since I've had new glasses, will have to make an appt soon!
